Okay. I'm a planner. Professionally and personally... I plan the crap out of things. For that reason, I have recently started to think about the things that I will need next time around when I have another babe. Don't get all excited, friends, nothing's in the works or will be for a while, but like I said... I plan.
Moving on...
Here's the thing, when I was pregnant with Jay I spent every spare minute reading books and blogs on what i would need in the first month to "survive." Some things I read were not at all useful and others saved me. There were a few, though, that I wished I had and NO ONE told me about. I say no one with confidence because I'm pretty sure I read every blog on the web.
So here they are. The ten things that I will be sure to have after my next baby is born:
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1- Blowup Donut
Yall. This one is serious. Maybe I was at a real crappy hospital and they didn't offer them, but yours is amazing and will. If that's the case- congrats. If not, buy one of these for the day(s) following your baby's birth. I don't think it's any secret that hospital beds aren't comfy and your lady area is not feeling the greatest after giving birth, but for some reason I didn't think of this until it was too late and I was sitting on a concrete mattress for two days.
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2- Your Own Pillow
See above. Hospital beds suck...
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3- Soft Toilet Paper
Again, the kind the hospital has is like sandpaper. I get it- hospitals are meant to keep us alive and healthy. Not make us feel like we're at a spa. It is nice though to bring this along and ease the discomfort some.
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4- Super Maxi Pads
You're gonna leak all sorts of things. Don't ask questions with this one. Just buy the damn pads and wear them.
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5- Boy Short Underwear
You need some undies that can hold those extra super maxi pads and granny panties aren't really my style. I picked up a pack of 5 from target and they worked just fine.
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6- Built-in-bra Tanks
Almost all the blogs I read had nursing tanks on their list sooo I bought them... I spent like $20 for each one and realized after about a week that I could have saved a lot of money by just buying the tanks with built in bras and pulling them down on whatever side I was nursing. Live and ya learn, ladies.
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7- Zip Up Sleep n Plays
If you'd like to buy some footsie pjs for yourself, by all means, go for it. This one is for your baby, though. When your newborn is... Newly born (?) they're going to need their diaper changed a lot. Nothing's worse than being sleep deprived and trying to re-button a onesie in the middle of the night only to realize you missed a friggin snap!!!!!! Save your sanity and get zip up sleep n plays.
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8- Adan and Anais Swaddle Blankets
This one is for anyone in a warmer climate. We got a lot of these and are still using them 8 months later. Jay hated to be swaddled so we didn't use them for that but I would use them as a car seat cover if we were in a store, a blanket for him when he was in his swing, a nursing cover, etc. I was so paranoid about him overheating when he was little so these were the only blankets we used for a while.
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9- Protein Bars-
The first month that Jay was born I was so exhausted that the thought of even microwaving food made me want to cry. Maybe your newborn will be a fabulous sleeper and you will be back to your old refreshed self soon after they're born, but if not, have some protein bars to grab in the middle of the night or day to help you between meals.
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10- Water Bottles-
Again... You're exhausted. Take the lazy way and get a big pack of water bottles because getting a glass out of the cabinet and filling it with water is SO much work (I'm not being sarcastic... That's a lot of effort...).
I hope these will help you in your first few weeks with your babe. If not, and I'm one of those blogs after you have a baby where you say "I'll never listen to her again!" Then I'm sorry and I owe you some diapers (not really).
Good luck and may the force be with you =)