Tuesday, December 2, 2014

The (semi) calm before the storm- Jay's 7 Month Update

Here's the deal- Im having a hard time accepting that my baby boy 
is becoming less of an infant and more of a mobile little person.
 The first step is acceptance though, right?? 

This month has been a slight glimpse into the very near future
 when Jay gets totally mobile and I'm already tired. Ha.
 Jay has started to be able to army crawl and roll to different
 toys and places he wants to be on the ground. He is a very
 determined and focused little guy. I know I say this
 a lot, but it is the coolest thing to watch him discover and learn. 

Speaking of being mobile- that doesn't end when he's
 on the ground with his toys. Bath time has become
 quite the event with me basically wrestling him the whole
 time trying to make sure he gets clean/doesn't slip
 and whack his face. I'm sure it would be comical to watch. 

We introduced some puréed food this month and at first
 he was NOT impressed. Closing his mouth shut after
 about three bites. The past week, though, he has
 started acting like he's digging this whole food thing. 

He's uhb-sessed with tags

I heard that around this age baby's will start to have separation
 anxiety from their moms and I think it's safe to say we're there.
 He's become very clingy.. Literally, he clings to my
 neck/shoulders/hair. I love that he loves me so much
 right now so I'm trying to just soak in all the love because
 I know soon enough he will be running around and i'll
 be begging for my clingy baby back. 

After 6 long months of middle of the night feedings I am
 SO happy to say that he is now sleeping 11-12 hours
 each night before waking to feed in the mornings.
 I feel like a new woman! We're still working on the naps. In fact, as I 
write this I'm sitting in my garage with a sleeping baby in the back
 because he refused to nap in his crib this morning. I'll probably
 have to do this for his afternoon nap today too. Oh well, with
 time I think he will come around. 
Like my husband says: "Give him a break. He's a baby."
 I do need to hear that every once in a while because 
I forget that he's still figuring out life and what 
works for him so I'm trying to roll with it. 

 Jay is just the most fun, relaxed and smart little boy
 and we are so proud that God chose us to be his parents. 

We love you, buddy!