Thursday, November 6, 2014

Happy (Half) Year Birthday to our BOY!

Wow, six months already?? Sorry Im a few days late on this update. 
I'm in denial lazy. Jay is now a whole half year old and I am 
officially having a mommy moment where I'm actually depressed
 that he is getting so big. Everyone says that it goes by so fast, but wow
- this was faster than expected. It seems like every day Jay
 does something else that makes him a little bit more 
independent from me. Im proud of him and in 
awe of the person he's becoming. 

Jay can sit up now all by himself. He will plop down on one side
 if he leans too far one way to grab a toy, but for the most part he's
 got that whole sitting thing down. I like to lay out a blanket
 on the floor with lots and lots of toys around him and let him just explore.
His little mind goes a mile a minute and loves to examine his 
toys, chew on them, and move to the next. 

Jay was the Michelin Man for Halloween because... naturally. 
He is so much more vocal this month. Raising his voice when
 he gets excited and saying lots of "AHH's and WAHH's." 
I may or may not have been saying "Maa, maa" more
 than the other noises to him... don't tell Scottie =)

He's starting to scoot.. backwards. Is it bad that Im not encouraging
 the whole crawl stage? I like my baby immobile, thank you very much.
 It makes me slightly stressed out to think of him crawling 
around and grabbing at the Christmas Tree- so i'm hoping
 he will start moving around AFTER Christmas. 
This baby, though, likes to go against my plans, so he will
 probably be walking by then with my luck. 

These two crack me up
We took Jay to his first Florida/Georgia weekend this year
 in Jacksonville. I have been going to that game since
 I was his age, so it was really special to watch him there.
 We tailgated and Jay LOVED people watching. Scottie grabbed him
 for a while and stood out near the street. Talk about babe magnet.
 Don't get me wrong... my man is GOOD LOOKIN' on
 his own, but stick a baby in his arms and the ladies
 love him. 

This coming month we are starting to introduce Jay to solid foods.
 I cant wait to see what his likes and dislikes are.
 Right now, when we eat he is so enamored with what
 we are eating its going to be fun to watch him get to eat his own meals. 

Happy six month birthday to our precious baby boy. 
We love you with all that we are!